Tolerance and Respect

Oct 17

Speech to high school students at St. Johns Country Day School, Florida September 11, 2006 Today marks the 5 year anniversary of the ill-fated terrorist attacks against our country and against humanity. What happened on 9-11 five years ago is utterly condemnable and a crime against humanity. Most American’s believe that 9-11 changed the world. Not only have we...

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Unconditional Support for Israel is a Liability for U.S.

Oct 17

Written: August 10, 2006 The headlines are falling into a horrifyingly predictable pattern. Civilian casualties continue to mount in the Middle East while our government remains seemingly paralyzed by inaction. The conflict has so far resulted in 95 Israeli deaths, including 35 civilians. In Lebanon, the death toll is more than 800, most of them civilians. Almost a...

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Give Dialogue with Mainstream Muslims a Chance

Oct 17

Written Sep 11, 2006 A version of this commentary was published today in the Orlando Sentinel. Sept. 11, 2001, was undoubtedly a great tragedy. On this fifth anniversary it is time for us collectively to look forward to ensure this never happens again. However, instead of focusing on the somber lessons learned from that ill-fated day, President Bush opened the new...

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American Muslims and ‘Integration’

Oct 17

Written April 13, 2006 At a recent historic meeting in Vienna, European Muslim religious leaders, or Imams, exhorted Islamic communities to better integrate and participate effectively in all aspects of European society. They also urged European governments to give Muslims the opportunity to become full participants in their respective societies. “Integration...

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A Sensible Way to Describe Terrorists

Oct 17

Written May 14, 2006 The European Union will soon distribute new guidelines to its 25-member nations that recommend using “nonemotive lexicon for discussing radicalization.” Officials say that the guidelines, which are not legally binding, will ask European governments to shun the...

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