Thinking Differently About the Middle East
Mar 21
Global Creative Leadership Summit hosted by the Louise T Blouin Foundation
Harold Pratt House, New York, Nov 15-16, 2006
How do we better understand our allies and our enemies? In particular, looking at the demographics of the world Islamic population, and immigration/integration issues, how do we build new dialogue and understanding? A panel discussion. To view the video of this session, click here
Moderator – Peter Bergen, Journalist and Terrorism Analyst, CNN.
Panelists -
- HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Ambassador to the United States, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Parvez Ahmed, Chairman, The Council on American-Islamic Relations
- Hamid al Bayati, Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations
- Tony Buzan, Inventor, Mind Maps, and Founder, The Brain Trust Charity
- Raghida Dergham, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, Al Hayat
- Theodore Zeldin, President, The Oxford Muse