Religious Observances Should Be Respected

Dec 11

Tampa Tribune, 11/6/06 The Hillsborough County School Board’s recent vote to drop Christian and Jewish holidays from the school calendar creates a very negative precedent for reasonable religious accommodation in the state’s education system. The Council on American- Islamic Relations, which has been at the forefront of the Muslim community’s...

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Moderate Muslim Way to Counter Terrorism

Dec 10

WORK WITH MAINSTREAM MUSLIMS TO DEFEAT EXTREMISM by Dr. Parvez Ahmed Star Tribune, 8/19/05 Why are some Muslims willing to kill in the name of their faith, despite clear Islamic injunctions against committing such heinous acts? The debate usually boils down to “they hate us” versus “they hate...

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Muslim Perspective on Church and State

Dec 10

The U.S. Supreme Court’s yes-and-no decision on the public display of the Ten Commandments and the loss of Sandra Day O’Connor swing vote has refocused the debate over the line separating of church and state. In that debate, we may wish to consider redrawing that line. The First Amendment clearly states that that government shall not make any laws...

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Terrorism not in Faith of Muslims, Christians

Dec 10

TERRORISM NOT IN FAITH OF MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS Parvez Ahmed, Daily News, 7/14/05,1413,200~24781~2963573,00.html [Parvez Ahmed, Ph.D., is board chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group. He may be contacted at: For a photo of Parvez...

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